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Toledo Externship in Emotionally Focused Therapy 2022
Learning Objectives

  • Describe the nature of emotional distress from an attachment perspective

  • Explain basic attachment theory and how it informs the EFT model

  • Distinguish the systemic and experiential elements of EFT

  • Identify change factors involved in a couple moving from distress to recovery

  • Classify the nine steps and three stages of EFT

  • Review the emotional responses that maintain the relational distress each partner

  • Formulate the negative cycle emphasizing attachment needs

  • Differentiate necessary assessment skills in EFT

  • Practice the basic empathy skills and EFT interventions that are central to the therapeutic process in EFT, including RISSSC 

  • Describe and show how to create a therapeutic alliance using empathic attunement, validation, acceptance, and authenticity

  • Practice the basic EFT interventions for working with emotion

  • Explain and show how to facilitate new experience between partners by use of enactments

  • Find and practice the EFT Tango to track and reframe reactive emotion

  • Define and describe the three change events in EFT (de-escalation, withdrawer re-engagement, and pursuer softening)

  • Explain and demonstrate the skills of accessing, exploring and deepening emotion and facilitating acceptance

  • Cite the steps for withdrawer re-engagement

  • ​Trace and transform therapeutic impasses

  • Demonstrate an ability to shape key bonding events that redefine the relationship as secure

  • Organize the steps for pursuer softening 

  • Demonstrate partner blocks and successful enactments that show attuned partner response

  • Detect attachment injuries from an attachment theory perspective

  • Define and explain the steps toward resolving attachment injuries, creating forgiveness

  • Explain affairs from the perspective of attachment theory

  • Illustrate an understanding of the repair of attachment injuries, fostering healing within and between each partner 

  • Explain the application of EFT to individuals (EFIT) and families (EFFT)

  • ​Integrate the positive cycle of interaction 

  • Identify next steps for continued study and professional development as an EFT therapist


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