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Hold Me Tight® /
Let Me Go

A Workshop for Families with Teens
“The greatest gift a parent has to give a child is emotionally attuned attention and timely responsiveness”

- Dr. Sue Johnson

The HMT/LMG Workshop will provide:

  • An opportunity to understand the negative patterns of interactions that weaken family bonds.

  • A deeper understanding of the emotions and needs that fuel the negative patterns and, when recognized and met authentically, promote healthy individual and familial relationships.

  • The opportunity to repair the hurts associated with negative patterns in a new, safe way.

  • The ability to practice the reaching and responding that leads to stronger, positive connections.

*CEUs pending for Psychologists, Counselors, Social Workers, and Marriage & Family Therapists

What to Expect:

Parents (of all kinds)/Guardians/Caregivers

  • Facilitators will introduce and explain concepts consistent with attachment parenting and the role of partnership between caregivers.

  • Caregivers will explore the ways in which they get caught in the negative pattern of reactivity with each other and their teen.​​


  • Facilitators will work with you and your caregivers to create positive moments of sharing, honestly and safely, and a sense of being heard and seen.

  • Teens will have an opportunity to gain an accurate understanding of their true role within the family system.​

The workshop will consist of instruction, demonstration, and practice exercises. All exercises will be completed with your personal, family unit. There is no pressure to share your experience with the group and the group will be limited to 10 families maximum.


**Hold Me Tight®/Let Me Go workshops are not for families in extreme distress; this would include
current abuse, active addiction, and/or current/ongoing trauma.

Event Details:

June 23 - 24, 2023​

Fridays 1pm – 5pm (parents/guardians/caregivers only)

Saturdays 9am – 5pm (parents/guardians/caregivers and teens)



$400 early bird

$450 within 2 weeks of workshop

$500 week of workshop


Location TBD

“Hold Me Tight®” is a registered trademark to Sue Johnson

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